outdoor family photo in Maryland with mother and children standing together next to a stone wall

Baltimore Family Photographers Tips For Photos With Children


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So many people want to know the Baltimore family photographers’ secrets for taking photos with children. We don’t have the magic answer for every family, but I’ll share some tips that can really take your family session from just “family pictures” to a full memory-making experience that everyone enjoys. 

Choose the Right Location for Baltimore Family Photographers

My first tip is about choosing the right location. You need to pick a space that allows your children to play and explore safely. A quiet trail, or a park, or even a spacious backyard could be a great option to give your kids space to be when they’re not taking photos. This family picked this gorgeous trail and stream—a decision that kept all three kids happy during the shoot. 

Get Candid Moments

Next, the most beautiful moments I capture as a Baltimore family photographer are the ones where you are having fun with your kids. Explore with them! Play with them! Take them on a piggyback ride. You and your kids should be having fun together as a family during your session. 

Let Them Be Feral

This next tip may be a little unconventional, but I stand by it. During your session with Baltimore family photographers, let your children be feral! And what I mean by that is don’t fuss about a little mess. We don’t need to worry about getting shoes dirty, or force kids to stand perfectly still and straight. Relaxed, feral fun is going to help us get the most wonderful pictures of your family. 

Let Kids Wear Exciting Outfits for Baltimore Family Photographers

What should kids wear to a family photo session? Whatever gets them excited! A good way to do this is to stick to a color palette, and let your child pick their own outfit within those colors. Doing this also helps capture the magic of childhood. And trust me, the tiaras and tails will seem so sweet to look back on in a few years.

The holidays are right around the corner, and it’s time to schedule your next session with Baltimore family photographers. Ready to have the best time with your kids? Drop me a line, I’d love to meet your family!

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